
Reckoning In The SaturnSphere.

Comes a time—if not two to three times—when Life warps your orbit, kicks you in the asteroid, seemingly out of the blue.

You may not know it when you see it, see it when you feel it, or even get it until well after the fact.

Yet there it is, and was, and before you know it will be again.  Round and round: That dense gray fog hovering, a hazy darkness heretofore unknown.  Suddenly you’re missing something.  Something’s gaining on you, encircling you, pressing in from all directions—right about when you’re hitting ages 29 and 58, let alone 87.

Backward or forward?  This way or that?  Before long, everywhere you turn looms a crossroads, everyday decisions become life-altering deliberations, good and bad.  Past is prologue; the future is foreshown.  In the turbulent present, everyone around you is impacted, for better or for worse.

So what’s up with all this cyclical drama—the anguish and anxiety, the indecision and ennui everyone appears destined to endure?

Consider a Satrifugalforce that ensnares you and occasionally scares you.  That taunts and tests you, teasing out infernal, eternal truths.  That baits you, reboots you, before dropping you stone cold until its next swing through.

Now probe and orbit around the site herein, then brace yourself for a Saturn Rendezvous…



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